DAY 16: ROMANS 5:1-5

DAY 16

ROMANS 5:1-5

Romans 5 starts a new section that reflects on the justification and salvation won for us at the

cross (it goes to the end of chapter 8). The big themes will be reconciliation, justification, union

with Christ, the Spirit and hope.

From the passage, what we have now?

Why would we boast or glory in our sufferings?

Reflect (if possible) on some of your sufferings. Can you see ways in which verses 3-5 are true in your case?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Pray to God about your sufferings. Pray for wisdom about who you might share your struggles with. Pray for others in our church family who are suffering - especially those known to you.

2. Pray that we would have eyes to see and welcome those visiting our services.

3. Pray for the Bradley family's ministry among Turkish diaspora in Germany, for a fruitful year in life and ministry.

DAY 15: ROMANS 4:13-25

DAY 14

ROMANS 4:13-25

In this passage Paul continues the main arguments from 4:1-12. What are they?

Abraham believed in particular promises from God. What or who do we believe in now (see 4:24 and 3:25-26)? Do you personally believe this?

4:25 is a bit tricky. It's not hard to see why Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins, but how or why was he 'raised to life for our justification'? One option is that 'for' in both occasions in the verse can mean 'because', so Jesus was raised because we had been justified and there was no more debt to pay. Another option is that Jesus' resurrection was God's vindication or justification of him against humanity's guilty verdict. As we are united to Jesus by faith we share in his vindication and justification.

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Praise God for His unwavering promises, and thank Him that righteousness comes through faith, just as it did for Abraham.

2. Pray for the Taste & See course - that God would draw seekers to himself through it.

3. Pray for J&R's local team members who face a lack of support and discouragement even from family members in their ministry work.

DAY 14: ROMANS 4:1-12

DAY 14

ROMANS 4:1-12

Abraham is a very important person in the Bible. Paul explains that his connection with righteousness is the same as ours. Look up Genesis 15:1-6. What happens here?

How are we in a similar position to Abraham? How is he our ‘spiritual father’?

What does the quote from Psalm 32 add to the argument?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Thank God that our sins are forgiven. Take some time to confess your sin and trust that God indeed has forgiven you. How blessed are we!

2. Give thanks and pray for those serving in New City Kids and New City Youth as they get ready for ministry this weekend.

3. Pray for Griffith University's Christian students to grow in confidence in sharing the gospel across Brisbane campuses.

DAY 13: ROMANS 3:27-31

DAY 13

ROMANS 3:27-31

Why is boasting excluded? What might that look like practically?

Why do you think ‘we uphold the law’?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Praise God that salvation comes to us by faith, and by not works, so that no one may boast. Thank God that He is the God of all who trust in Christ.

2. The righteousness that is gifted to us in no way should lead boasting. Pray that as a church we'd offer our lives as living sacrifices to God.

3. Pray for Mark & Anne Osborne's translation team as they review first drafts of Matthew, Colossians, and Ephesians.

DAY 12: ROMANS 3:21-26

DAY 12

ROMANS 3:21-26

Today we’ve arrived at the heart of the gospel!

What do you learn about “righteousness from God” here?

What’s Paul’s big point here (note: ‘justified’ means ‘declared righteous’)?

How does Jesus’ death fit in God’s great work?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Reflect on the sacrificial death of Jesus for us. Give thanks to God and praise him!

2. Pray for Growth Group leaders as they prepare to guide others through God's Word each week.

3. Pray for Dan & Rachel Djamaludin's Sunday fellowship in their community in Bangkok. Pray for wisdom in their pastoral care of people in that fellowship group.

DAY 11: ROMANS 3:9-20

DAY 11

ROMANS 3:9-20

Paul quotes a bunch of Old Testament in this passage. How does he use the verses to support his argument in verse 9 about whether the Jews have any advantage?

How do these OT quotes support the conclusions in verses 19-20?

Recap: From Romans 1:18-3:20, how would you summarise what people are like?

If you ever learnt Two Ways To Live, verses 10-12 might ring some bells. Now’s a great time to dust off your knowledge of 2WTL or have a go at learning it for the first time! (See the website at or the iPhone or iPad apps).

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Praise God for revealing our need for His mercy, and thank Him that righteousness comes not through our works but through His grace alone.

2. Pray that newcomers would connect deeply into our church family.

3. Pray for UQ Evangelical Students' First-Year Day Trip, that it would help forge strong connections with new students.

DAY 10: ROMANS 3:1-8

DAY 10

ROMANS 3:1-8

This reading follows on from Romans 2:12-19 about how the Jews and the law fit with God’s plans.

How does Paul answer his own question, “What advantage is there in being a Jew?” (3:1-2)?

What objections does Paul deal with in verses 3-8?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Praise God for His faithfulness, which remains steadfast despite human unfaithfulness, and thank Him that His truth and righteousness shine through all circumstances.

2. Pray for boldness to share the gospel with friends and family.

3. Rev. Thang Bwee in Myanmar. Pray for peace in Myanmar and freedom for gospel ministry.

DAY 9: ROMANS 2:17-29


ROMANS 2:17-29

How would you describe the problem of the people Paul talks about?

What do we learn about the human heart?

What do we learn about what God values?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Pray that in Jesus you would be a person of inward righteousness.

2. Pray that God would develop servant hearts within our church family, following Christ's example.

3. Pray for Josh & Bethany Fraser's growing language abilities as they partner with their church in Slovenia.

DAY 8: ROMANS 2:12-16


ROMANS 2:12-16

We’ve seen lots of God’s righteous judgment, people being warned for being judgmental and not repenting. Now we’ll look at how people of high religious status or standards fare. (Hint: not well.)

What is the ‘law’ being talked about here? And how might someone be justified (or declared ‘not guilty’) by the law?

Can anyone, Jew or Gentile, be a “doer of the law” (ESV) and live up to God’s standards?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Praise God for His just and righteous judgment, and thank Him for writing His law on our hearts, guiding us to live in ways that honour Him.

2. Pray that as we gather this coming Sunday we would worship the Lord wholeheartedly rejoicing in God's saving work through Christ Jesus.

3. Pray for wisdom for Linda McKerrell as she counsels people considering short or long-term missions with OMF.

DAY 7: ROMANS 2:1-11


ROMANS 2:1-11

Describe the sort of people that Paul talks about in verses 1-5.

What is Paul’s message to them?

What does God's righteous judgment look like? (2:5-11)

What is repentance? What place does it have in your life?

This passage is a bit tricky because verse 7 and 10 seems to say we can be saved by good works. Two options in interpreting this are 1: this is purely hypothetical and not achieved by anyone except Jesus, and 2: this is another way of talking about faith accompanied by good works and obedience (e.g. 1:5).

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Praise God that He is just and that the way He judges is righteous. Pray that your life would be characterised by repentance and putting off of sin.

2. Pray that we would be hungry for God's Word and treasure the Scriptures in our daily lives.

3. Pray for QUT Christians' FOCUS ministry, that God would raise up new international student leaders to join their core team.

DAY 6: ROMANS 1:18-32


ROMANS 1:18-32

What? Same passage? That's right, it's not a typo, it's just worth digging back into again.

This is an important passage that helps us think about the topic of homosexuality as Christians. This is a good opportunity to examine your own attitude towards same sex attraction and what God says about it.

What does Paul say about homosexuality in this passage?

Read 1 Cor 6:9-11 and 1 Tim 1:9-10 (ESV). What do we learn about God's view of homosexuality from these passages?

How should we act towards Christians who struggle with homosexual desires?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Spend some time acknowledging God's holiness and goodness. Pray that our church would be a place where we genuinely love and help those who struggle with same-sex attraction and that we're able to be a place where we can speak openly about our struggles.

2. Pray for the 5pm service to continue to grow and reach new people.

3. Josh & Bethany Fraser: Pray for deepening relationships with their community and gospel opportunities.

DAY 5: ROMANS 1:21-32


ROMANS 1:21-32

You may like to start your reading from 18 again to understand the flow of the argument regarding sin and judgment.

What is the nature of sin and judgment here?

How is God’s wrath revealed?

In what ways are you tempted to “exchange the glory of the living God”?

This passage is very dark. It shows us the suppression of truth, the extent of sin and the revelation of God’s wrath. These things hit home not only for society in general, but for people we know and even ourselves.

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Praise and thank God that his word reveals his glory and goodness - that he is to be forever praised (v.25). Spend time bringing your sin to God. Pray for those who desperately need to hear about the gospel's power.

2. Pray that we'd continue to encourage people to consider doing an MTS Apprenticeship.

3. Jared & Verena Bradley: Pray for wisdom in navigating immigration challenges in Germany.

DAY 4: ROMANS 1:18-20


ROMANS 1:18-20

After talking about salvation and righteousness last time (16-17), it’s logical that Paul now turns to what we need saving from and unrighteousness. Verses 18-32 are heavy going!

What is the wrath of God and what is it being revealed against?

Why is it fair that God’s wrath should be revealed?

What does this mean for people who have never heard the gospel?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Thank and Praise God for revealing himself. Pray that more and more lost people in Brisbane would hear and believe the gospel.

2. Pray for new missionaries being raised up and sent out from Ann Street.

3. J & R: Pray for their children to grow in authentic faith and follow God unswervingly.

DAY 3: ROMANS 1:16-17


ROMANS 1:16-17

In chapter 1 Paul tells us about the gospel in two places. In verses 3-4 he describes the person of the gospel and in verses 16-17 he describes the power of the gospel to save people.

Why is Paul not ashamed of the gospel?

When are you tempted to be ashamed of the gospel?

Why is the gospel the power of God for salvation?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Thank God for the incredible news of the gospel - that God's own righteousness is shown in saving us into a right relationship with himself and is also credited to us through faith. Pray for help in not being ashamed of the gospel.

2. Pray for God's guidance for our elders as they think about our vision and seek to identify where to plant new services and churches.

3. Peter & Katharine Yock: Pray for adjusting to new rhythms of ministry and building new relationships at church and on campus.

DAY 2: ROMANS 1:7-15


ROMANS 1:7-15

Why is Paul thankful for the Roman Christians and what's his attitude towards them?

The Roman Christians seem to be doing pretty well. Why then would Paul want or need to see them?

Why is it important that we keep hearing the same gospel message? Why do you think we sometimes feel tired of hearing it again?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Ask God for help in not growing tired of hearing the gospel. Pray that you would love to hear and meditate on it and grow in your knowledge of it.

2. Thank God for a growing number of Growth Group leaders. Pray that that the Growth Team would invest well in our GG Leaders.

3.Dan & Rachel Djamaludin: Pray for the growth of Sunday gatherings and for the children to know and love the Lord.

DAY 1: ROMANS 1:1-6


Romans is an incredibly rewarding and challenging book. There is so much to gain from studying it, regardless of whether you're a young Christian or a mature Christian. Even if you're familiar with it you can never really master Romans. Martin Luther thought Romans was so important that he encouraged every Christian to memorise the entire book. There's a challenge for you!

The letter was written by Paul in about 57 A.D., possibly from Corinth in Greece, as he prepared to leave for Jerusalem with a gift for the poor (15:25). He hoped to go from Jerusalem to Spain to preach the gospel and stop by Rome on the way (15:23-24, 28). He did make it eventually to Rome but as a prisoner rather than a free man (Acts 28:16).

Our hope is that as you read Romans you'll be struck once again by the gospel, that you'll be spurred on to live sacrificially for God, and that you'll grow in repentance and Christian maturity.

Each reading should take about 10-15 minutes and comes with a Today's Prayer Suggestion (TPS for short). Here's a prayer you could use before reading God's word in Romans each day:

Father God,

Thank you that you speak to us in your word.

Thank you that you've given us your Holy Spirit to help us understand and apply it.

DAY 1 ROMANS 1:1-6

In his greeting Paul says that he was called to be apostle. An apostle is an authoritative messenger sent by God (read more on apostleship in Acts 1:21-26, 1 Cor 15:7-10, 1 Cor 12:12, and don’t miss Acts 9:1-16 and its spectacular account of Paul’s conversion and commissioning!)

Read Romans 1:1-6. What do we learn about Paul?

Paul gives a summary of his gospel here. What is the gospel according to Paul?

What is the right response to the gospel in verse 5?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Thank God that he has made the gospel known through the Apostles and their writing. Pray that you would be personally convicted of the truth and importance of the gospel -- the momentous news about Jesus Christ, our Saviour and King.

2. Pray for wisdom for our staff and elders in identifying potential future leaders within our congregation.

3. Mark & Anne Osborne: Pray for faithfulness and effectiveness in Bible translation.

DAY 37 - MATTHEW 14:15-36

What two miracles happen in this passage?

Jesus feeds five thousand men (plus women and children) (v21) and there’s even leftovers! What does this miracle teach us about Jesus?

Do you believe that God is generous to you?

Jesus goes off by himself to pray. What does this teach you about the importance of prayer?

Jesus then walks on water. What does this action and his subsequent interaction with Peter teach us about Jesus, and faith in him?

How can you cultivate a habit of crying out to God in moments of fear and anxiety? What are some ways you can remind yourself that Jesus is totally trustworthy?

1. Thank Jesus for His generosity and power to meet every need. Pray for faith that trusts Him in moments of fear and anxiety.

2. Mark & Anne Osborne: Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts as they translate Scripture.

3. Serving Opportunities: Pray for church members to find joy in using their gifts to serve in various ministries, strengthening the church community.

DAY 36 - MATTHEW 14:1-14

Why did Herod arrest John the Baptist?

Herod wanted to kill John. Why didn’t he?

What happened to bring about John’s death?

Herod was fearful - first of the people’s opinions (v5), and then of losing face for breaking his vow in front of his dinner guests (v9). He is first resolved to kill John, and then afraid to do so, and then pressured into killing him. He fears men.

How is John the Baptist contrasted against Herod?

If we only read this chapter, we can be tempted to think “but staying faithful to God didn’t help John the Baptist at all!” However, we know that there is a life beyond death and that justice will be served (see Matthew 13). What is Jesus’ response to John’s death? What does this teach us about God?

Are there areas in your life where you are fearful of what others think? How can you pursue the fear of the Lord in those areas?

1. Praise Jesus for His faithfulness even in the face of suffering. Pray for courage to fear God above people’s opinions.

2. Rev Thang Bwee: Pray for God’s provision and guidance for the Reformed Bible Institute.

3. Evangelism: Pray for people who will do "Discover Jesus" our courses designed to introduce newcomers to Christ. Pray that God uses our meagre efforts to introduce people to the Saviour

DAY 35 - MATTHEW 13:44-58

What do the parables in v44-45 have in common?

V47-50 Is a parable similar to the one in yesterday’s passage. What do you think this one adds or reinforces to your understanding of the gospel?

In v52 Jesus particularly addresses the “teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven” (i.e., a Jewish teacher who has understood and responded to Jesus’ message). What does Jesus say this is like? What do you think he means by “new treasures as well as old”?

How was Jesus received in his hometown?

The adage says that “familiarity breeds contempt”, which we see happening when Jesus teaches in his hometown. This cynicism is greatly contrasted with the men in v44-45, who “sell everything they have” to gain the kingdom of God.

Have you become bored of Jesus? How can you remind yourself of the value (and joy!) of the kingdom of God?

1. Thank God for the immeasurable worth of His kingdom. Pray for joy and renewed passion for following Jesus wholeheartedly.

2. UQ Evangelical Students: Pray for the 2025 leadership team to rely on God and serve effectively.

3. New City Playtime: Pray for the program supporting families with preschool-aged children, fostering community and early spiritual development.

DAY 34 - MATTHEW 13:24-43

Fill in the following table:

What do you think the main point of the parable of the wheat/weeds is?

There are another two parables in this passage - but Jesus does not explain them in this account.

What do these two parables add to your understanding of the kingdom of heaven?

What is your response to this picture of God’s kingdom?

1. Praise Jesus for His patience in allowing the kingdom to grow until the harvest. Pray for wisdom to live faithfully in a world where good and evil coexist.

2. Linda McKerrell: Pray for young couples exploring missions to have boldness and faith in their decisions.

3. New City Youth: Pray for high school students to grow in their relationship with Jesus and build lasting friendships as they navigate life.