Yesterday we read about spiritual disciplines and “reward” either here on earth or in heaven. Here we read about “treasures” on earth or in heaven. What do you think Jesus refers to when he talks about “treasures on earth” and “treasures in heaven”?
Jesus doesn’t shy away from talking about money and earthly wealth! What does he say about money? (v24)
How does verse 24 fit with verses 25-34? What attributes of the Father do you find to be comforting, from this passage?
Jesus shows us that the things we long for and value show us what has captured our heart. What kind of things do you “treasure”? Your career? Wealth? Security? Family? Friends? Leisure? Lifestyle? Do they truly fit with the kingdom of heaven?
What could you remember about God the next time you’re feeling anxious or worried about your physical needs?
1. Thank God for His provision and care over all your needs. Pray for faith to seek His kingdom above worldly treasures.
2. UQ Evangelical Students: Pray for wisdom in addressing challenges like gendered violence on campus.
3. Discipleship Resources: Pray for those who develop Bible study guides and other teaching resources to be effective in nurturing faith.