What is the relationship between “acknowledging Jesus” and salvation?
Why do you think Jesus specifies that this acknowledgement is “before others”? (v32)
How do verses 34-37 fit with yesterday’s passage?
What does Jesus call his followers to?
Verses 40-42 should be taken in the wider context of chapter 10 - where the disciples are sent out to preach to the Jews (v6-7). They are to be completely reliant on the hospitality of the Jews (v9-10). Jesus is therefore referring to God’s people recognising God’s messengers and receiving the reward of salvation by faith.
Jesus’ words here are very challenging. Jesus is demanding an allegiance higher than all other ties (even family!) He demands us to give up our earthly life (in most cases, our ‘life’ encompasses all our time, efforts, affections, desires… but certainly in some cases he calls us to give up our physical life rather than disown him!)
Our sin and selfishness can tell us that losing our life for Jesus is burdensome, but it’s very much the opposite! Paul describes life with Jesus as “better by far” (Philippians 1:23) and Jesus himself reminds us that he gives us satisfying rest (Matthew 11:28-30).
What earthly ties/allegiances do you find difficult to submit to Jesus’ rule? How does this passage remind you that Jesus is worth “losing your life” for?
1. Pray for a heart fully devoted to Jesus, willing to bear the cost of discipleship. Thank God for the eternal reward He promises to His faithful ones.
2. UQ Evangelical Students: Pray for fruitful outcomes at the National Training Event in Queensland.
3. Growth Group Leaders: Pray for wisdom, patience, and spiritual insight for leaders facilitating growth groups.