DAY 31 - MATTHEW 12:22-37

What miracle does Jesus perform in verse 22?

What is the response of the crowd (v23)?

Note: You might like to have a look at 2 Samuel 7 for some context for the title ‘Son of David’

What is the response of the Pharisees (v24)?

How is the Pharisees’ logic flawed (v25-29?)

The Pharisees clearly see the work of the Holy Spirit (the crowd sees that it is the work of God’s Messiah in v23), but they refuse to acknowledge it. Instead, they harden their hearts and attribute the work of Jesus to the work of the devil. This is what Jesus means when he refers to ‘blasphemy against the Spirit’ or ‘speaking against the Holy Spirit’ (v31-32). This is unforgivable (v31). This is challenging to think about - doesn’t God’s grace extend forgiveness for all sin? To the tenderhearted, this can be a stumbling block. Some might be despairing - “have I sinned against the Holy Spirit? Am I beyond forgiveness?”

Do not despair. The Pharisees see the kindness of God extended to others and consciously attribute it to demonic powers. The tenderhearted Christian falls upon God’s grace and begs for his kindness - and will receive it. Jesus has defeated sin and the devil and has bought us forgiveness and eternal life by His blood (Ephesians 2:1-5). This is also what Matthew 12:29 refers to - Jesus has defeated the ‘strong man’ (Satan) and has ‘plundered his house’ (saved people from sin).

In verses 33-37, Jesus talks about good fruit and bad fruit. Ephesians 4:22- 24 exhorts us to put off our old self with its deceitful desires, and instead pursue desires, attitudes and actions that are in line with our new identity, given to us by Jesus.

What particular ‘fruit’ or action is Jesus teaching about in verses 33-37?

What kind of heart do your words reflect? Is there anything you need to repent of? Ask Jesus to help you be self-controlled and to bring Him glory with your speech.

1. Ask God to produce good fruit in your life that reflects His transforming grace. Praise Jesus for defeating sin and the devil on our behalf.

2. J & R: Pray for the preaching seminars and classes they teach to have a lasting gospel impact.

3. Church on Sunday: Pray for our four congregations (8am, 9:30am, 11am, and 5pm), that they remain welcoming. That when we meet, we know real worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth.