DAY 8: ROMANS 2:12-16


ROMANS 2:12-16

We’ve seen lots of God’s righteous judgment, people being warned for being judgmental and not repenting. Now we’ll look at how people of high religious status or standards fare. (Hint: not well.)

What is the ‘law’ being talked about here? And how might someone be justified (or declared ‘not guilty’) by the law?

Can anyone, Jew or Gentile, be a “doer of the law” (ESV) and live up to God’s standards?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Praise God for His just and righteous judgment, and thank Him for writing His law on our hearts, guiding us to live in ways that honour Him.

2. Pray that as we gather this coming Sunday we would worship the Lord wholeheartedly rejoicing in God's saving work through Christ Jesus.

3. Pray for wisdom for Linda McKerrell as she counsels people considering short or long-term missions with OMF.