DAY 16
ROMANS 5:1-5
Romans 5 starts a new section that reflects on the justification and salvation won for us at the
cross (it goes to the end of chapter 8). The big themes will be reconciliation, justification, union
with Christ, the Spirit and hope.
From the passage, what we have now?
Why would we boast or glory in our sufferings?
Reflect (if possible) on some of your sufferings. Can you see ways in which verses 3-5 are true in your case?
Today’s Prayer Suggestions
1. Pray to God about your sufferings. Pray for wisdom about who you might share your struggles with. Pray for others in our church family who are suffering - especially those known to you.
2. Pray that we would have eyes to see and welcome those visiting our services.
3. Pray for the Bradley family's ministry among Turkish diaspora in Germany, for a fruitful year in life and ministry.