DAY 5 - MATTHEW 3:1-17

What was John the Baptist there to do (see v1-6)?

What does John say about Jesus’ identity (v3, v11) and mission (v12)?

This is our first encounter with the Pharisees and Sadducees (Jewish religious leaders). They are prominent characters in the gospel narrative. What do we learn about them? (See verses 7-10)

What do you think it means to “produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (v8)?

Why do you think there was such an obvious display of the Spirit and God the Father’s words at Jesus’ baptism?

What reassurance does this give you as to Jesus’ identity as God?

1. Pray for a heart of true repentance and fruitfulness in your walk with God. Thank God for confirming Jesus as His beloved Son and our Savior.

2. UQ Evangelical Students: Pray for the Spirit to work in the hearts of non-Christians engaging with God’s Word.

3. New City Playtime: Pray for the program supporting families with preschool-aged children, fostering community and early spiritual development.