Who are you introduced to in verses 18-22?
What do you think it means when Jesus says “Come, follow me and I will send you out to fish for people” (v19)?
What strikes you about the story of Jesus’ call and people’s response?
What does Jesus do in verses 23-25?
Where is Jesus preaching in these verses? How far does news of Him spread? See if you can spot some of the regions mentioned in the passage in the map below.
Acts 4:13 describes Peter and John as “unschooled, ordinary men”. They weren’t special or part of the top tier of society. And largely, neither are we - we’re just ordinary people, like the apostles were when Jesus called them.
Do you resonate with the way the apostles dropped everything and immediately followed Jesus? Why/why not? How might it impact your life if you were to follow Jesus as immediately, radically and unashamedly as the apostles?
1. Praise Jesus for calling ordinary people to follow Him and share His mission. Ask for boldness to leave behind distractions and obey His call.
2. Dan & Rachel Djamaludin: Pray for wisdom and strength for Dan in ministry challenges and for Rachel caring for their foster child.
3. Church Leadership: Pray for the staff and ministry leaders as they serve the congregation. Pray for wisdom and faithfulness.