DAY 9 - MATTHEW 5:1-16

From yesterday’s passage, why might such large crowds have gathered?

Who is Jesus teaching? (verse 1)

What picture does Jesus paint of what it looks like to be “blessed”? (verses 3-12)

How does this teaching build our understanding of the kingdom of heaven?

Jesus then teaches that God’s people are to be distinct from the world (v13- 16). Why might this teaching on distinctiveness as Christians flow out of his teaching on blessing and the kingdom of heaven?

In what ways are you distinct from the world? In what ways does this passage challenge you to continue in/begin to embrace distinctiveness for the sake of God’s glory?

1. Pray for grace to live as salt and light, reflecting God's kingdom in the world. Thank Jesus for His blessing on those who seek Him.

2. Liz Maher: Pray for God to raise up new workers for QUT ministry.

3. Elders: Give thanks for our elders. Pray for humility and grace as they serve our church family.