Warning mature content
What does Jesus teach in verses 27-28?
What do verses 29-30 teach you about the seriousness of sin?
Sexual desire for someone who is not your spouse is something that Jesus identifies as sinful. This is applicable not just to people who are married, but also to those who are single, and is an all-encompassing call to sexual holiness. How are you going with sexual sin? (including adultery, porn, masturbation, sexual fantasies, etc.)
These areas of sin can feel very private, personal and shameful. But that’s not our reality! Jesus knows everything about us. God has forgiven us and made us clean and righteous in Jesus’ blood. Even in those moments when we don’t feel righteous, the Spirit is working in us and helping us to live holy lives. 1 John 1:8-10.
These can be hard areas to deal with alone. Please seek help from a trusted friend or your Growth Group leader.
What does Jesus teach in verses 31-32?
You can read other accounts of Jesus’ teaching on marriage and divorce in Matthew 19:1-11, Mark 10:2-12 and Luke 16:18. Another helpful passage is 1 Corinthians 7:10-14.
What is God’s view of marriage?
How does this shape your view of marriage?
We should uphold marriages as God designed them. However, we know that we live in a broken world - full of unexpected pain, disappointment and hurt. In our varied situations at church (single, married, widowed, divorced, remarried), we should seek to love each other in Christ, showing each other the grace and kindness that God has shown us.
Some helpful resources:
Purity is Possible by Helen Thorne
Captured by a Better Vision by Tim Chester
A Better Story by Glynn Harrison
Married for God by Christopher Ash
Birds and the Bees by the Book by Patricia Weerakoon
1. Pray for purity and holiness in thoughts and actions. Thank Jesus for His cleansing power and the Spirit’s help in overcoming sin.
2. Jared & Verena Bradley: Pray for smooth transitions to European Christian Mission.
3. Multicultural Ministry: Pray for unity in diversity within the church’s multi-generational and multicultural community.