DAY 19 - MATTHEW 8:18-27

What is Jesus’ response to the teacher of the law who pledges to follow Jesus (v19-20)? What do you think Jesus means by this statement?

What is Jesus’ response to the disciple who needs to bury his father (v21-22)? What do you think Jesus means by this statement?

What does this passage teach us about following Jesus? Note: “the dead” (who are “burying their own dead”) in v22 seem to be the spiritually dead (i.e., those who are not Jesus’ disciples).

What happens in v23-27?

Read Psalm 107:23-32. What are the common themes/events between Psalm 107 and Matthew 8?

What does this passage teach you about being Jesus’ disciple and having faith in Him?

1. Pray for faith that trusts Jesus, even in the storms of life. Thank Him for His power over all creation.

2. Liz Maher: Pray for wisdom in pastoral care for students facing challenges.

3. Spiritual Growth: Pray that every member continues to grow as a follower of Jesus, empowered to live out their faith daily.