DAY 20 - MATTHEW 8:28-9:8

What events happen in 8:24-34?

How is Jesus’ authority shown in this event?

What events happen in 9:1-8?

Jesus addresses the cynicism in the teachers of the law’s hearts in 9:4-7. The parallel account of this event in Mark 2 helps us understand that the teachers of the law thought that Jesus didn’t have the authority to forgive sin. They didn’t see him as God, and therefore thought that Jesus was out of line promising something that only God could give (“Who can forgive sins but God alone?” - Mark 2:7) To address this, Jesus gives the teachers of the law two impossible outcomes - the forgiveness of sins and the miraculous healing of paralysis.

Why might Jesus’ healing of the man’s paralysis show that Jesus has authority to forgive sin?

What responses to Jesus’ authority are depicted in this passage?

Do you feel like Jesus isn’t powerful enough to forgive and overcome your sin? How does this passage speak into those thoughts?

1. Thank Jesus for His authority to forgive sins and heal brokenness. Pray for confidence in His power to overcome sin in your life.

2. Peter & Katharine Yock: Pray for salvation among those hearing about Jesus through Gospel talks.

3. Young Families: Pray for young families participating in programs like New City Playtime, that they may experience the love of Christ and build supportive friendships.