DAY 22 - MATTHEW 9:18-34

What miracles does Jesus perform in this passage?

Jesus wants news of his healings to be kept quiet (v25, 30), but the news spreads anyway (v26, 31, 33). Why do you think Jesus wanted people to keep news of these healings quiet?

What role does faith play in these events?

In this passage, faith is an active trust in Jesus’ ability to achieve the outcome these people are asking for (in this case, healing). Read Romans 4:4- 8. What does this add to your understanding of faith?

We see that Jesus has the power to raise the dead and achieve victory over physical and spiritual realities. We look forward to the day when Jesus will raise us to eternal life, where sickness and sin are banished forever (1 Thess 4:14-18, Rev 21:3-4).

Do you have faith (trust) that Jesus can and will do this?

1. Thank God for the hope of resurrection and victory over sin. Pray for a faith that trusts Jesus’ power in every situation.

2. Jared & Verena Bradley: Pray for wisdom in navigating immigration challenges in Germany.

3. Community Witness: Pray that the church continues to be a beacon of light in Brisbane, effectively sharing the gospel with the city.