What is Jesus’ heart towards the people in 9:36? What does it mean that they are like “sheep without a shepherd”?
How does 9:36 fit with 9:37-38? What is the meaning of the harvest metaphor?
Jesus then gives his twelve disciples the authority to perform miracles and sends them out into the harvest. Who does he send them to?
What are Jesus’ instructions to the disciples?
Interestingly, Jesus sends the disciples out to Israel (notably NOT the Gentiles/non-Jews). For these purposes, Jesus is calling God’s people (the Jews) to repentance. However, Jesus has already extended grace to non-Jews (see Matthew 8:5-12) and will finally call all nations to repent (Matthew 28:19). Some further reading on this can be done in Romans 10-11.
It is clear that there are two responses and consequences to hearing the message of the kingdom of heaven. There is peace (10:12-13) and destruction (10:14-15). Which people in your life need to hear about Jesus’ offer of peace? What is the next step you can take in pursuing gospel conversations with them?
1. Ask for compassion like Jesus for the lost and the boldness to share the gospel. Pray for God to raise up workers for His harvest.
2. Josh & Bethany Fraser: Pray for deepening relationships with their community and gospel opportunities.
3. Volunteer Recruitment: Pray for more members to step into volunteer roles with enthusiasm and a heart for service.