DAY 5: ROMANS 1:21-32


ROMANS 1:21-32

You may like to start your reading from 18 again to understand the flow of the argument regarding sin and judgment.

What is the nature of sin and judgment here?

How is God’s wrath revealed?

In what ways are you tempted to “exchange the glory of the living God”?

This passage is very dark. It shows us the suppression of truth, the extent of sin and the revelation of God’s wrath. These things hit home not only for society in general, but for people we know and even ourselves.

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Praise and thank God that his word reveals his glory and goodness - that he is to be forever praised (v.25). Spend time bringing your sin to God. Pray for those who desperately need to hear about the gospel's power.

2. Pray that we'd continue to encourage people to consider doing an MTS Apprenticeship.

3. Jared & Verena Bradley: Pray for wisdom in navigating immigration challenges in Germany.