DAY 6: ROMANS 1:18-32


ROMANS 1:18-32

What? Same passage? That's right, it's not a typo, it's just worth digging back into again.

This is an important passage that helps us think about the topic of homosexuality as Christians. This is a good opportunity to examine your own attitude towards same sex attraction and what God says about it.

What does Paul say about homosexuality in this passage?

Read 1 Cor 6:9-11 and 1 Tim 1:9-10 (ESV). What do we learn about God's view of homosexuality from these passages?

How should we act towards Christians who struggle with homosexual desires?

Today’s Prayer Suggestions

1. Spend some time acknowledging God's holiness and goodness. Pray that our church would be a place where we genuinely love and help those who struggle with same-sex attraction and that we're able to be a place where we can speak openly about our struggles.

2. Pray for the 5pm service to continue to grow and reach new people.

3. Josh & Bethany Fraser: Pray for deepening relationships with their community and gospel opportunities.