DAY 10 - MATTHEW 5:17-20

Verses 17-20 are important in setting the context for Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5-7. Although you’ll be reading a small section of this sermon each day for the next few days, it’s important to remember that it is a whole, cohesive section of teaching. Remember that Jesus has begun his sermon by teaching on the distinctiveness of the people of the kingdom of heaven. He now begins to talk about Old Testament law (which his disciples would have been familiar with).

When Jesus is talking about “the Law”, he is referring to the Old Testament law received by Israel and recorded in the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). “The Prophets” that Jesus refers to are the prophetic writings recorded in the Old Testament. However, rather than differentiating between “the Law” and “the prophetic” sections of the OT (or indeed the “wisdom” writings), it is likely that when Jesus refers to “the Law”, he is referring to the way God has told His people to live, given in His Word (the OT).

Read v17-18. Perhaps the disciples thought that their Messiah (Jesus) would give them brand new teaching. What does Jesus say about the OT law?

What does this passage tell us about entering the kingdom of heaven?

Verse 20 can be confusing if you’re familiar with the gospel accounts. You might be thinking “Hang on, the Pharisees and teachers of the Law are the ‘bad guys’ of the gospel accounts! How could Jesus ask us to be like them to get into heaven?” In fact, Jesus often rebukes the Pharisees and teachers of the Law because they have made their relationship with God all about following the rules! If you were to judge outwardly only - it would be an extremely high standard of living righteously. But entering God’s kingdom is not only about outward actions, but our heart attitude as well. In the context of the rest of the Bible, the likely effect of Jesus’ words are to make people go “but it’s impossible to enter the kingdom of God by our own righteousness!” (Romans 3:20)

How does Jesus fulfill the Law? What effect does that have on our righteousness? (See Galatians 3:10-14 and Romans 8:1-4)

We are saved by God’s amazing grace to us in Jesus. However, God still calls us to live a certain way as His people. What does verse 19 teach us about how we should respond to God’s Word?

What is your attitude to the OT? How does this passage shape how we value and read the OT?

1. Thank God for Jesus, who fulfills the law and makes us righteous. Pray for a heart that treasures God's Word and seeks to live by it.

2. Peter & Katharine Yock: Thank God for students sharing the Gospel and stepping into leadership.

3. Music Ministry: Pray for those involved in leading worship through music, that they may lead us in authentic praise and focus on God’s glory.