DAY 33 - MATTHEW 13:1-23

Fill in the table from the passage:

Why does Jesus speak in parables?

Why can the disciples understand the parables (or ‘the secrets of the kingdom of heaven’, v11)?

In Mark 4:21-22, Jesus teaches that the parables are designed to reveal God’s wisdom and truth, like a lamp on a stand. Yet we also see that God’s Word is impossible to understand by human wisdom alone, and that those who understand His Word are ‘given’ knowledge (v11). We are utterly dependent on our God to enlighten our minds and hearts and save us. Thus we can never expect our non-believing friends to understand God’s Word without His Spirit working in their hearts. Keep praying for the lost!

This dependence is depicted by the parable of the seeds - they are passive. However, there is also a warning and exhortation for believers in this parable.

What is Jesus’ warning and exhortation in the parable of the sower?

How does Jesus’ teaching warn or encourage you in your current circumstances?

1. Thank God for the seed of His Word that bears fruit in receptive hearts. Pray for perseverance in sharing the gospel, trusting Him for the results.

2. Josh & Bethany Fraser: Pray for their baby’s healthy development and for Cece to settle into routines.

3. New City Kids: Pray for the children's ministry to teach young hearts about Jesus and foster family discussions on Scripture throughout the week.

DAY 32 - MATTHEW 12:38-50

What do the Pharisees and teachers of the law ask Jesus?

From yesterday’s passage, why might this request have caused Jesus to respond like he did in v39?

What sign will Jesus give?

Jesus then refers to the repentance of the Ninevites (see the book of Jonah) and the Queen of Sheba recognising the Lord’s wisdom (1 Kings 10). Importantly, these are non-Jewish people who recognise God’s power and respond with recognition and praise. They put the Pharisees and teachers of the Law to shame - these Jews should be able to recognise Jesus and respond with repentance and praise, rather than scepticism and hard-heartedness.

The parable of the impure spirit (v43-45) warns against an initial acknowledgement of God (causing the ejection of the impure spirit in the first place) but then a failure to replace old ways with the new ways of God (‘it finds the house unoccupied’). Those who fail to repent (i.e., cast off sinful desires and pursue the ways of God) will be judged (v45). Those who are truly part of Jesus’ family do the will of God (46-50).

How does repentance fit with salvation by grace?

What does repentance look like in your life?

1. Ask God to produce good fruit in your life that reflects His transforming grace. Praise Jesus for defeating sin and the devil on our behalf.

2. J & R: Pray for the preaching seminars and classes they teach to have a lasting gospel impact.

3. Church on Sunday: Pray for our four congregations (8am, 9:30am, 11am, and 5pm), that they remain welcoming. That when we meet, we know real worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth.

DAY 31 - MATTHEW 12:22-37

What miracle does Jesus perform in verse 22?

What is the response of the crowd (v23)?

Note: You might like to have a look at 2 Samuel 7 for some context for the title ‘Son of David’

What is the response of the Pharisees (v24)?

How is the Pharisees’ logic flawed (v25-29?)

The Pharisees clearly see the work of the Holy Spirit (the crowd sees that it is the work of God’s Messiah in v23), but they refuse to acknowledge it. Instead, they harden their hearts and attribute the work of Jesus to the work of the devil. This is what Jesus means when he refers to ‘blasphemy against the Spirit’ or ‘speaking against the Holy Spirit’ (v31-32). This is unforgivable (v31). This is challenging to think about - doesn’t God’s grace extend forgiveness for all sin? To the tenderhearted, this can be a stumbling block. Some might be despairing - “have I sinned against the Holy Spirit? Am I beyond forgiveness?”

Do not despair. The Pharisees see the kindness of God extended to others and consciously attribute it to demonic powers. The tenderhearted Christian falls upon God’s grace and begs for his kindness - and will receive it. Jesus has defeated sin and the devil and has bought us forgiveness and eternal life by His blood (Ephesians 2:1-5). This is also what Matthew 12:29 refers to - Jesus has defeated the ‘strong man’ (Satan) and has ‘plundered his house’ (saved people from sin).

In verses 33-37, Jesus talks about good fruit and bad fruit. Ephesians 4:22- 24 exhorts us to put off our old self with its deceitful desires, and instead pursue desires, attitudes and actions that are in line with our new identity, given to us by Jesus.

What particular ‘fruit’ or action is Jesus teaching about in verses 33-37?

What kind of heart do your words reflect? Is there anything you need to repent of? Ask Jesus to help you be self-controlled and to bring Him glory with your speech.

1. Ask God to produce good fruit in your life that reflects His transforming grace. Praise Jesus for defeating sin and the devil on our behalf.

2. J & R: Pray for the preaching seminars and classes they teach to have a lasting gospel impact.

3. Church on Sunday: Pray for our four congregations (8am, 9:30am, 11am, and 5pm), that they remain welcoming. That when we meet, we know real worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth.

DAY 30 - MATTHEW 12:15-21

What is Jesus aware of in v15?

What does Jesus do in this passage?

Matthew writes that Jesus fulfils the words of the prophet Isaiah and quotes Isaiah 42:1-4.

Read Isaiah 42:1-9 (The extra verses lend context. This part of Scripture would have been very familiar to Matthew’s audience).

What is God’s servant like?

What does he do?

Who does his ministry benefit?

What’s his relationship with the LORD?

Why is it significant that Jesus is the Lord’s servant, as described in Isaiah 42?

What hope does Jesus bring you? Which of Jesus’ characteristics are you particularly loving at the moment?

1. Praise Jesus, the gentle Servant who brings hope to the nations. Pray for a heart that reflects His gentleness and compassion.

2. Peter & Katharine Yock: Pray for their family to transition smoothly to life in Armidale.

3. Spiritual Renewal: Pray for spiritual renewal and revival in the lives of individuals and the church as a whole. Pray that we would truly know Jesus!

DAY 29 - MATTHEW 12:1-14

Read Exodus 31:12-17. What is the Sabbath?

The Pharisees have an issue with Jesus’ disciples breaking the Sabbath. What’s their complaint? What trap do they then lay for Jesus?

How does Jesus respond to their accusations? (It might help to look up Hosea 6:6, which Jesus quotes in verse 7).

What does Jesus’ response teach you about God’s heart and character?

Jesus calls his people to obedience (Matthew 7:24-27). How do you think this call to obedience fits with his teaching in this passage?

Examine your heart. Are there any areas where rules are becoming more important to you than a heartfelt obedience to God?

1. Thank God for Jesus, who shows us the true heart of God’s law. Pray for heartfelt obedience that pleases Him.

2. Liz Maher: Pray for students to meet Jesus and commit their lives to Him.

3. Unity in Purpose: Pray for unity among members, focused on the mission to grow followers of Jesus in the heart of the city.

DAY 28 - MATTHEW 11:20-30

What do v20-24 tell us about responding to Jesus?

What does this passage teach us about the relationship between God the Father and Jesus?

What does Jesus offer?

What do you find most appealing about Jesus? Have you found ‘rest for your soul’ in Him?

1. Praise Jesus for offering rest for our souls. Pray for a humble heart that learns from Him and submits to His gentle yoke.

2. Dan & Rachel Djamaludin: Pray for perseverance in Dan’s studies and for their child safeguarding work to progress effectively.

3. Financial Health: Pray for the financial resources to sustain and expand the church’s ministries and outreach efforts.

DAY 27 - MATTHEW 11:1-19

What has happened to John the Baptist? What do his disciples ask Jesus?

Jesus replied to John’s disciples that some OT prophecy has been fulfilled.

Read the following verses and consider: How has Jesus fulfilled these prophecies? What does this reveal about Jesus?

Isaiah 35:4-6

Isaiah 61:1-3

By declaring that John the Baptist is the Elijah, what is Jesus saying about himself?

Verse 12 is quite cryptic. The New Bible Commentary says that it likely refers to the way that the true teaching of God’s word always has opposition - which is evident given John’s current imprisonment (and future death) and Jesus’ future suffering at the cross.

In what ways were John and Jesus different from what people expected? (v16-19)

How was the wisdom of John and Jesus proved right in the end?

Are there ways Jesus defies your expectations of what a Messiah should be?

1. Thank God for His wisdom in fulfilling prophecy through Jesus and John. Pray for trust in Jesus, even when He defies your expectations.

2. Mark & Anne Osborne: Pray for the church in their region to hold onto Jesus as their hope during difficult times.

3. COM: Pray for the COM to lead and serve with wisdom, integrity, and a Christ-centered vision. Pray that they would care well for our church resources and facilities.


Today we’re changing topics a little in preparation to read Matthew 11 - where Jesus talks about how John the Baptist is “the Elijah who was to come” (Matthew 11:14).

Elijah prophesied during the reign of Ahab, who is described as having done “more evil in the eyes of the LORD than any of those before him” (1 Kings 16:30). You can read more about Elijah in 1 Kings 17-19, 1 Kings 21 and 2 Kings 1-2. One of the most well-known events of Elijah’s life was his face-off against the followers of Baal on Mount Carmel, where the LORD lit the fire for Elijah’s sacrifice (1 Kings 18). In addition, Elijah was also dramatically taken up into heaven in 2 Kings 2:11.

Read Malachi 3:1.

What is the significance of the messenger? What will they do?

Who comes after the messenger?

Read Malachi 4.

What is “the day of the Lord” like?

How will Elijah “prepare the way”? (Compare Malachi 3:1 and 4:6)

Why is Elijah’s appearance so significant? Why do you think the Jews were looking forward to it?

Of course, Elijah himself doesn’t re-appear, but we are introduced to John the Baptist, a prophet who fulfils the role set for Elijah’s reappearance. Jesus confirms that John the Baptist fulfils the prophecy of Elijah’s appearance that the Jews were anticipating.

Why is “Elijah’s” appearance (as John the Baptist) important to you?

1. Praise God for sending messengers to prepare the way for Jesus. Pray for readiness to recognize and respond to God’s work in your life.

2. Rev Thang Bwee: Pray for the continuation of ministry work through the Evangelical Reformed Church.

3. Technology in Ministry: Pray for the effective use of technology in reaching people online. Thank God that we can use this to help those who can't otherwise join us at church.

DAY 25 - MATTHEW 10:32-42

What is the relationship between “acknowledging Jesus” and salvation?

Why do you think Jesus specifies that this acknowledgement is “before others”? (v32)

How do verses 34-37 fit with yesterday’s passage?

What does Jesus call his followers to?

Verses 40-42 should be taken in the wider context of chapter 10 - where the disciples are sent out to preach to the Jews (v6-7). They are to be completely reliant on the hospitality of the Jews (v9-10). Jesus is therefore referring to God’s people recognising God’s messengers and receiving the reward of salvation by faith.

Jesus’ words here are very challenging. Jesus is demanding an allegiance higher than all other ties (even family!) He demands us to give up our earthly life (in most cases, our ‘life’ encompasses all our time, efforts, affections, desires… but certainly in some cases he calls us to give up our physical life rather than disown him!)

Our sin and selfishness can tell us that losing our life for Jesus is burdensome, but it’s very much the opposite! Paul describes life with Jesus as “better by far” (Philippians 1:23) and Jesus himself reminds us that he gives us satisfying rest (Matthew 11:28-30).

What earthly ties/allegiances do you find difficult to submit to Jesus’ rule? How does this passage remind you that Jesus is worth “losing your life” for?

1. Pray for a heart fully devoted to Jesus, willing to bear the cost of discipleship. Thank God for the eternal reward He promises to His faithful ones.

2. UQ Evangelical Students: Pray for fruitful outcomes at the National Training Event in Queensland.

3. Growth Group Leaders: Pray for wisdom, patience, and spiritual insight for leaders facilitating growth groups.

DAY 24 - MATTHEW 10:16-31

Read the passage and fill in the table:

Why should the disciples expect persecution for following Jesus? (v24-25)

What comfort and encouragement does Jesus offer to His disciples? (v19-20, 22, 26-31)

Jesus is speaking to his disciples about their upcoming journey to preach to the Jews (Matthew 10:5-6). We also see Matthew 10:18-20 coming true all through the book of Acts! Which elements of this passage do you think apply to us as non-apostolic Christians?

How does this passage prepare you for future persecution or comfort you in current persecution?

1. Thank God for His presence and protection in times of persecution. Pray for courage to fear God above all else.

2. Linda McKerrell: Thank God for encouragement in mobilizing new missionaries.

3. Sermon Series: Pray for the ongoing preparation and delivery of sermon series to resonate deeply with congregants and inspire growth.

DAY 23 - MATTHEW 9:35-10:15

What is Jesus’ heart towards the people in 9:36? What does it mean that they are like “sheep without a shepherd”?

How does 9:36 fit with 9:37-38? What is the meaning of the harvest metaphor?

Jesus then gives his twelve disciples the authority to perform miracles and sends them out into the harvest. Who does he send them to?

What are Jesus’ instructions to the disciples?

Interestingly, Jesus sends the disciples out to Israel (notably NOT the Gentiles/non-Jews). For these purposes, Jesus is calling God’s people (the Jews) to repentance. However, Jesus has already extended grace to non-Jews (see Matthew 8:5-12) and will finally call all nations to repent (Matthew 28:19). Some further reading on this can be done in Romans 10-11.

It is clear that there are two responses and consequences to hearing the message of the kingdom of heaven. There is peace (10:12-13) and destruction (10:14-15). Which people in your life need to hear about Jesus’ offer of peace? What is the next step you can take in pursuing gospel conversations with them?

1. Ask for compassion like Jesus for the lost and the boldness to share the gospel. Pray for God to raise up workers for His harvest.

2. Josh & Bethany Fraser: Pray for deepening relationships with their community and gospel opportunities.

3. Volunteer Recruitment: Pray for more members to step into volunteer roles with enthusiasm and a heart for service.

DAY 22 - MATTHEW 9:18-34

What miracles does Jesus perform in this passage?

Jesus wants news of his healings to be kept quiet (v25, 30), but the news spreads anyway (v26, 31, 33). Why do you think Jesus wanted people to keep news of these healings quiet?

What role does faith play in these events?

In this passage, faith is an active trust in Jesus’ ability to achieve the outcome these people are asking for (in this case, healing). Read Romans 4:4- 8. What does this add to your understanding of faith?

We see that Jesus has the power to raise the dead and achieve victory over physical and spiritual realities. We look forward to the day when Jesus will raise us to eternal life, where sickness and sin are banished forever (1 Thess 4:14-18, Rev 21:3-4).

Do you have faith (trust) that Jesus can and will do this?

1. Thank God for the hope of resurrection and victory over sin. Pray for a faith that trusts Jesus’ power in every situation.

2. Jared & Verena Bradley: Pray for wisdom in navigating immigration challenges in Germany.

3. Community Witness: Pray that the church continues to be a beacon of light in Brisbane, effectively sharing the gospel with the city.

DAY 21 - MATTHEW 9:9-17

Why do you think the Pharisees had an issue with Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners?

How does Jesus respond to the Pharisee’s disapproval?

Why don’t Jesus’ disciples fast? What do you think is the main point of the garment/wineskin analogy?

(This is a confusing analogy. It probably has something to do with Jesus bringing a new covenant and how worshipping God looks different now that Jesus has to come compared to worshipping God through observing the law).

Read Hosea 6:6. How is this passage fulfilled in Matthew?

In what ways are you tempted to think that God values your surface-level worship? How can you continue in a meaningful relationship with God through Jesus?

1. Praise Jesus for calling sinners to repentance and new life. Pray for joy in the freedom of living under the new covenant in Him.

2. J & R: Pray for their children to grow in authentic faith and follow God unswervingly.

3. Bible Teaching: Pray for clarity and impact in the church’s Bible teaching during Sunday services and across all ministries.

DAY 20 - MATTHEW 8:28-9:8

What events happen in 8:24-34?

How is Jesus’ authority shown in this event?

What events happen in 9:1-8?

Jesus addresses the cynicism in the teachers of the law’s hearts in 9:4-7. The parallel account of this event in Mark 2 helps us understand that the teachers of the law thought that Jesus didn’t have the authority to forgive sin. They didn’t see him as God, and therefore thought that Jesus was out of line promising something that only God could give (“Who can forgive sins but God alone?” - Mark 2:7) To address this, Jesus gives the teachers of the law two impossible outcomes - the forgiveness of sins and the miraculous healing of paralysis.

Why might Jesus’ healing of the man’s paralysis show that Jesus has authority to forgive sin?

What responses to Jesus’ authority are depicted in this passage?

Do you feel like Jesus isn’t powerful enough to forgive and overcome your sin? How does this passage speak into those thoughts?

1. Thank Jesus for His authority to forgive sins and heal brokenness. Pray for confidence in His power to overcome sin in your life.

2. Peter & Katharine Yock: Pray for salvation among those hearing about Jesus through Gospel talks.

3. Young Families: Pray for young families participating in programs like New City Playtime, that they may experience the love of Christ and build supportive friendships.

DAY 19 - MATTHEW 8:18-27

What is Jesus’ response to the teacher of the law who pledges to follow Jesus (v19-20)? What do you think Jesus means by this statement?

What is Jesus’ response to the disciple who needs to bury his father (v21-22)? What do you think Jesus means by this statement?

What does this passage teach us about following Jesus? Note: “the dead” (who are “burying their own dead”) in v22 seem to be the spiritually dead (i.e., those who are not Jesus’ disciples).

What happens in v23-27?

Read Psalm 107:23-32. What are the common themes/events between Psalm 107 and Matthew 8?

What does this passage teach you about being Jesus’ disciple and having faith in Him?

1. Pray for faith that trusts Jesus, even in the storms of life. Thank Him for His power over all creation.

2. Liz Maher: Pray for wisdom in pastoral care for students facing challenges.

3. Spiritual Growth: Pray that every member continues to grow as a follower of Jesus, empowered to live out their faith daily.

DAY 18 - MATTHEW 8:1-17

We are told about three occasions where Jesus heals. Fill in the following table:

Verse 17 states that Jesus’ healings fulfil Isaiah 53:4. We’ve already had some stories of Jesus’ healings. What do these stories add to our understanding of Jesus and the kingdom of God?

What have you learned from this passage? What strikes you about Jesus?

1. Praise Jesus for His authority to heal and restore. Pray for faith to trust Him in every area of life.

2. Dan & Rachel Djamaludin: Pray for the growth of Sunday gatherings and for the children to know and love the Lord.

3. Fellowship Events: Pray for activities like the Big Morning Tea and other gatherings to strengthen relationships among church members.

DAY 17 - MATTHEW 7:13-29

What do the “narrow” and “broad” gates signify? What does Jesus urge us to do?

As we try to follow Jesus, what does he warn us about? (v15) How can you tell who is a true follower of Jesus? (v16-23)

What do you think Jesus means by “fruit”? (See verses 24-27 and Galatians 5:22-25)

How does Jesus’ teaching on being a true follower and bearing good fruit fit with the parable of the builders in verses 24-27?

What fruit is the Spirit bearing in your life? When adversity comes, are you prepared to stand firm in God’s Word? What habits can you be cultivating to enable you to build your life wisely on Jesus’ words?

This is the end of Jesus’ teaching on the mountain (note that in Matthew 5:1 the audience seemed to be Jesus’ disciples, and then in Matthew 7:28 Jesus’ audience is described as “the crowds”).

1. Ask for grace to walk the narrow path and build your life on Jesus’ words. Thank God for His Spirit, who bears fruit in our lives.

2. Mark & Anne Osborne: Pray for faithfulness and effectiveness in Bible translation.

3. Tech and Communication: Pray for those managing online platforms and communication tools, ensuring they effectively serve ministry purposes.

DAY 16 - MATTHEW 7:1-12

What does Jesus teach in verses 1-5?

Jesus teaches against the hypocrisy of judging (or condemning people’s sin) without acknowledging your own sin first. However, this doesn’t mean we have to be perfect to encourage, challenge or rebuke our brothers and sisters in Christ! (See Ephesians 4:15) What might it look like for us to walk the path of repentance together as a community of believers at HBC?

Verse 6 can be difficult to understand. Jesus likens the kingdom of God (or our precious eternal, spiritual inheritance) to a pearl in Matthew 13:45-46. What do you think this verse means? Consider the context of verses 1-5.

What does Jesus say about asking God for things in verses 7-11? What is your attitude to God when you pray? Do you expect Him to answer in loving generosity as your heavenly Father? Do you expect Him to be stingy and cruel? What does this passage teach us about our relationship to God?

1. Praise God for His mercy and patience with us in our imperfections. Pray for humility and love as you interact with others.

2. Rev Thang Bwee: Pray for the resilience and faith of believers in Myanmar amidst suffering.

3. Youth Leaders: Pray for wisdom, creativity, and spiritual vitality for leaders who mentor and guide young people in their faith.

DAY 15 - MATTHEW 6:19-34

Yesterday we read about spiritual disciplines and “reward” either here on earth or in heaven. Here we read about “treasures” on earth or in heaven. What do you think Jesus refers to when he talks about “treasures on earth” and “treasures in heaven”?

Jesus doesn’t shy away from talking about money and earthly wealth! What does he say about money? (v24)

How does verse 24 fit with verses 25-34? What attributes of the Father do you find to be comforting, from this passage?

Jesus shows us that the things we long for and value show us what has captured our heart. What kind of things do you “treasure”? Your career? Wealth? Security? Family? Friends? Leisure? Lifestyle? Do they truly fit with the kingdom of heaven?

What could you remember about God the next time you’re feeling anxious or worried about your physical needs?

1. Thank God for His provision and care over all your needs. Pray for faith to seek His kingdom above worldly treasures.

2. UQ Evangelical Students: Pray for wisdom in addressing challenges like gendered violence on campus.

3. Discipleship Resources: Pray for those who develop Bible study guides and other teaching resources to be effective in nurturing faith.

DAY 14 - MATTHEW 6:1-18

Jesus teaches on three spiritual disciplines. From the passage, fill in the table below:

What are the consequences (or difference in “reward”) for practicing your righteousness in public vs in a private relationship with God?

What do you think it means to “receive your reward in full” (v2, 5, 16)? Conversely, what might it mean to be rewarded by the Father? (v4, 6, 18)

What does Jesus teach us to pray for in the Lord’s prayer? (v9-13)

Do you find yourself wanting others to see your righteous deeds? How does this passage help you to re-frame your desires?

1. Ask God for humility to seek His approval, not human recognition, in your spiritual disciplines. Praise Him for being a generous Father who rewards faithfulness.

2. Linda McKerrell: Pray for young couples considering long-term missions to have clarity and trust in God.

3. Newcomers: Pray for new attendees to feel welcomed and integrated into the life of the church.